Tokyo Dragon Chef
Tōkyō doragon hanten

Tired of everyday gangster life, two yakuza dous decide to turn their backs on crime and go into the noodle business. Independently of each other, they open ramen restaurants in the city, whereupon an energetic gourmet competition for the favour of the customers soon breaks out, which takes on ever more extreme forms. When a bizarre gangster group consisting of youths with huge eye helmets enters the field, the situation finally escalates.
Yoshihiro Hishimura is best known for wacky splatter creativity like Tokyo Gore Police. Tokyo Dragon Chef may not feature his infamous blood fountains, but that doesn't mean things get any less crazy. The inherently odd premise is a gateway for gangs with world domination ambitions, feisty YouTubers and restaurant mascots who might not be from this planet. Has it been mentioned that the film features various - wonderful! - musical interludes? Despite all the madness, Tokyo Dragon Chef is above all a paean to the world's best noodle dish.
Tokyo Dragon Chef は 22. JFFH 2021 で上映されます.