

Kyō mo ashita mo makeinu

Arthouse International PremiereWorld PremiereWith Guests
Natsumi Nishiyama
20 min
Natsumi falls ill with the orthostatc dysregulation, also known as the disease that makes it impossible to get up early in the morning. It was the beginning of her school life taking place mostly in the school's first-aid room. One day she meets Hikaru, who seems to have forgotten how to laugh. With the desire to make Hikaru laugh again, a new life begins for Natsumi.
Language details
  • Subtitle English
  • Language Japanese
  • Localization Original with subtitles
More details
  • Rated not yet rated
  • Distributor eiga kyō mo asita mo makeinu seisakuiinkai
  • Actor
    Nanaka Koshō

Making of


Making of

The story is based on director Natsumi Nishiyama's own experiences. Nishiyama graduated from Chikushioka High School in Fukuoka Prefecture in 2022. The film was named best film at the eiga worldcup 2021, a competition for films produced by high school students. The production took one year and was financed by crowd funding.

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