


Naginata International Premiere
Matsunaga Ayumi
48 min
Kakiko earns her living by doing housework and longs for "Cart". Manami, from the other side of the street, is physically and mentally battered by her husband's violence. In the town where they live, there is an antique store that sells "fountain pens with a story attached". Manami is desperate to buy a fountain pen for some reason, but Kakiko gets drunk and buys it instead. The two of them fight over the fountain pen...
Language details
  • Subtitle English
  • Language Japanese
  • Localization Original with subtitles
More details
  • Rated not yet rated
  • Distributor Matsunaga Ayu

Making of


Making of

Matsunaga Ayumi, born in 1971, immersed herself in video production after winning an award at a film festival when she was a student.

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