Tetsudon: The Kaiiju Dream Match
daikaijū charanporan matsuri: tetsudon

Kaiju: That's the Japanese name of the giant monsters à la Godzilla or Mothra. For decades, they have been fueling the imagination of Japanese filmmakers, but what happens to all those designs that are too crazy, too insane, or simply unfilmable? This movie shows them: 28 directors present their visions of monster films in 28 short episodes each only a few minutes long. The result is a unique potpourri of ideas and techniques. There are time travels, crazy scientists, children playing detective, jealous lovers, John Travolta impersonators - the list goes on and on.
Sometimes the films are experimental, sometimes they are parodies, and sometimes they go to the deepest depths of pubertal faecal humour, and then, unexpectedly, JFFH favourite Yoshihiro Nishimura ("Kodoku Meatball Machine") covers together with Sion Sono Bob Dylan. But in the end, there is one feature that all films have in common: Everyone who was involved clearly had a lot of laughs during the shooting - and those laughs are infectious!
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