Ruthless Light


Mujihi na hikari

Arthouse International Premiere
99 min
Gathered in a room of an inorganic laboratory Five experimental animals that look like humans. They claim that they are human The final experiment imposed on us was euthanasia. We are human beings. No, you are laboratory mice. This story is the story of It is a record of a Ruthless experiment.
Language details
  • Subtitle English
  • Language Japanese
  • Localization Original with subtitles
More details
  • Rated not yet rated
  • Distributor AERO inc.
  • Actor
    AIKA, Abe Mikako, Eikawa Noa, Katō Ayano, Kuruki Rei, Tubomi, Honjo Suzu, Yamagisi Aika

Making of


Making of

A comedian affiliated with Sun Music, he will direct in the play Ruthless Light" in 2019. After the performance, he became involved in the production as a director due to the many requests for a film adaptation and his desire to make this work into a movie.

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