Rainy Tokyo


Kusottare Tōkyō monogatari

Arthouse International Premiere
Sangaku Takeshi
46 min
A story of youthful dreamers in Tokyo. Kiyoshi is about to give up his dream since his music career is not going well. Chiaki is steadily moving forward toward her dream and recently she got the part of the famous stage director’s show. Kiyoshi cannot support Chiaki with honesty and keeps running away from the reality...
Language details
  • Subtitle English
  • Language Japanese
  • Localization Original with subtitles
More details
  • Rated not yet rated
  • Distributor Takeshi Sangaku

Making of


Making of

My name is Takeshi Sangaku. I was born in Osaka and now live in Tokyo. 26 years old. I love the beauty and fragility of Tokyo.

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