
Naginata Europe Premiere
Doug Roos
101 min
A multitude of guests visit the same cheap Tokyo airbnb at different times, unaware of the gruesome creature waiting for them.
Language details
  • Subtitle English
  • Language Japanese
  • Localization Original with subtitles
More details
  • Rated not yet rated
  • Distributor
  • Actor
    Irie Takashi

Making of


Making of

Doug Roos, directed hid first feature in the US, his second in China and now his third in Japan. Further he directed 22 short films and has over 60 producer credits on films like Pennywise: The Story of IT (2021), Fonotune: An Electric Fairytale (2018), Gehenna: Where Death Lives (2016), Remember You (2016), Night of the Living Deb (2015), and many more.

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