IVARA - Case of Extra

地雷大怪獣イヴァラ-case of extra-

Jirai dai kaijū Ivara - case of extra -

Naginata World PremiereEurope Premiere
Kurosu Yūki
7 min
A woman wants to become an adult who can help others but is unable to take the first step. Suddenly, a giant monster appears emerging from the ground in front of her. Amid a destroyed city and people running for their lives, she gathers all her courage for the sake of others.
Language details
  • Subtitle English
  • Language Japanese
  • Localization Original with subtitles
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  • Rated not yet rated
  • Distributor

Making of


Making of

Born in 1986, Yūki Kurosu worked for a CG production company in Tokyo as a CG designer and was involved in the production of videos and games.

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