The Flower of Midsummer Night


Natsu no yo no hana

Arthouse Europe PremiereInternational Premiere
25 min
Single Chinese mother WangLi lives in Osaka with her 4 year old son Yang Yang, who hasn’t seen his dad for months. One day Yang Yang came across an old fireworks painting of his father’s. Yang’s mother promised her son to watch the fireworks with him, but she forgot about it because she was caught up with work…
Language details
  • Subtitle English
  • Language Japanese
  • Localization Original with subtitles
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  • Rated not yet rated
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Making of


Making of

Nobuaki Takahashi, born in Nara, graduated from Osaka University of Arts with a focus on film. In 2011 came to Beijing to study at The Central Academy of Drama under government funded scholarship, majoring in directing+screen play, acting, and Chinese language. He graduated with a PhD in 2018. He has taken parts in a lot of Chinese film productions both as the crew as well as an actor.

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