You Are Still There After the Rain


Ame wa baketsu o hataku

Arthouse Europe PremiereInternational Premiere
Pan Junhua
60 min
The same sky and clouds as always. The same garden as always. A little girl who was eating ice cream while trying to find an ant nests that may or may not be there, met an old lady who was dressing in a funeral black dress. Two people sitting back to back, lamenting their loneliness and the pain originated from their boredom to each other.
Language details
  • Subtitle English
  • Language Japanese
  • Localization Original with subtitles
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  • Rated not yet rated
  • Distributor

Making of


Making of

Pan Junhua, born in China in 1994, graduated with a degree in TV Broadcasting and Direction. In 2019, he moved to Japan, where he engaged in various projects and embarked on independent productions, resulting in the creation and presentation of several short films.

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