Dear friends of the Japan-Filmfest Hamburg,
In the past few weeks Hamburg's cultural life has almost come to a standstill due to the corona pandemic. The city's cinemas are also affected and will remain closed for the near future. Under the current circumstances launching the Filmfest in May would impose an incalculable health risk to our personal guests, our team and our fans. Due to the necessary limitation of social contacts the preparation of the festival done by our team members can only happen in a very limited mode. However the Japan-Filmfest Hamburg lives from the intensive exchange of contacts between personal rights-holders and our loyal Hamburg audience.
Reluctantly we as the Nihon Media e. V. have together with our festival venues Metropolis Kino, 3001 Kino and Studio-Kino jointly decided to move the 21. Japan-Filmfest Hamburg (JFFH) to August of this year.
Whether the JFFH can then take place for you in the usual form will unfortunately only be decided in summer pending on the situation. In the background, we are therefore working intensively on alternative concepts in close cooperation with the company Enteractive such as a streaming offer to give you at least the opportunity to experience the latest films from Japan in 2020 in your home theater. As soon as possible, we will inform you about our concrete plans.
In the meantime all what remains to say is please follow the order of the authorities and stay at home. Together we will overcome these difficult times.
Stay with us and of course stay healty !
Your team of the Japan-Filmfest Hamburg